How do I know if I have a skunk under my front step?
The easiest way to know if you have a skunk under a front step is to stuff the entrance with newspaper in the early evening. In the morning, if the newspaper has been moved, then you know an animal has passed through this area.
What can I use to remove skunk odour?
At Peregrine, from time to time, we all smell funny thanks to a skunk. Putting your clothing in the washing machine straight away will solve most odour issues immediately. To remove skunk odour in vehicles or objects, we love to use extra-strength Febreze. Apply twice, a few days apart, and you will remove 98% of skunk odour. It is readily available and easy to use. Always read the label for specific directions.
I think I have a skunk on my property. Where do I look?
During the day, do a visual inspection looking for football-sized holes under the front step, front porch, shed, and back deck. The smaller the void, the more likely the skunk will use this as a den for the long term. In the front yard, check under the front step of each neighbour’s property. Front yards are very easy for skunks to use to roam the neighbourhood because there are no fence lines for them to navigate around.
Professional Skunk Exterminator – Calgary – Skunk Treatment Service
Peregrine Pest Control – Skunk Removal – Calgary & area
All our bed bug treatment technicians are licensed applicators in the province of Alberta.
Peregrine Pest Control is Quality Pro Certified and ISN Certified.
*Our Calgary skunk removal team has 60+ years of combined experience
Check out the Peregrine Pest Control team here

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Author: Nicholas Holland