Why do I have voles?
This is always a great question for any pest. It is a bit like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg? Keeping in mind that voles like to feed off grasses, seeds, nuts, and plant bulbs, if you have an established yard with lush gardens and beautiful grass it is a great environment for voles to thrive. If you happen to live next to a green space, pond, lake, or park you have an increased likelihood of pest pressure from a wide variety of pests, including voles.
My neighbour has voles and won’t do anything about it. Can I still solve my problem?
On a very regular basis, all structures are being tested by wildlife. We may not be aware of the presence of wildlife, as they can lurk in the shadows, so to speak. In the winter, you may see footprints in the snow. In the spring, you may see foot prints in the mud, or nesting material hanging out of a vent. Once a pest is eliminated, you create a void in the neighbourhood. This allows for another animal to enter and take over this space. Can you solve a vole problem if your neighbour doesn’t do their part? Yes, you can, however it will take more time and effort on your part. For the right advice, remember to speak to your pest control service technician from Peregrine.
How do I know if I have a vole or mouse issue in my garage?
A vole and a house mouse are, at casual glance, very similar. Only once you have a vole caught can you compare the features of a vole to a mouse. A vole doesn’t want to be on the inside of a structure. Voles love to burrow, create runways in lawn areas and garden beds. If you do happen to have a vole issue on the inside of a structure, it is more likely bad luck than that the vole intended on entering the structure. You would always assume a mouse is inside the structure first until proven wrong. The process for removing a vole is the same as a house mouse.
Professional Vole Exterminator – Calgary – Vole Treatment Service
Peregrine Pest Control – Vole Removal – Calgary & area
All our vole treatment technicians are licensed applicators in the province of Alberta.
Peregrine Pest Control is Quality Pro Certified and ISN Certified.
*Our Calgary vole removal team has 60+ years of combined experience
Check out the Peregrine Pest Control team here

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Author: Nicholas Holland