The pigeons are on my neighbour’s house. What can I do about it?
At Peregrine, when we are doing residential pigeon control work, it is a common scenario to be sitting on a roof top taking a break, looking down the street and seeing another three or four houses that have pigeon issues.
Sometimes the pigeon issues aren’t visible from the ground, or the home owner isn’t aware of the extent of the pigeon problem. Depending on comfort level, you can knock on the neighbour’s door and have a conversation explaining what you are doing to your house to push pigeons away. This neighbour may want to participate. The other choice is just to ask your Peregrine pest control service technician to drop off door hangers to the affected residences. This is a nice, warm way of raising awareness.
Why can’t I poison the pigeons?
In Canada every chemical has a label. The label is the law. It says what you can and can’t do. If the pest isn’t on the label you can’t use the product for an off label application.
Can I shoot the pigeon?
In large urban areas it is not usually a safe decision to discharge a firearm. Always check with your local municipality about what the bylaws are for your area and make a safe and good decision. Shooting one pigeon usually will not solve a pigeon problem. Because of the high reproduction rates of pigeons and the high number of pigeons in general, shooting and/or the use of live traps will not bring the pigeon population to zero. At best you can hope to reduce the population for the short to mid term. The best strategy is to use physical products to stop pigeons from returning to any given area.
Professional Pigeon Exterminator – Calgary – Pigeon Treatment Service
Peregrine Pest Control – Pigeon Removal – Calgary & area
All our pigeon treatment technicians are licensed applicators in the province of Alberta.
Peregrine Pest Control is Quality Pro Certified and ISN Certified.
*Our Calgary pigeon removal team has 60+ years of combined experience
Check out the Peregrine Pest Control team here

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Author: Nicholas Holland